D u b a i d e s i g n w e e k
C A P T U M L U M I N E | W A T E R F E A T U R E P R O P O S A L
W A T E R A N D L I G H T a r e p r e c i o u s . . .
How can we treat them like silver or gold?
Human beings are drawn to the shimmer of light due to our instinctual search for water - so these elements are inexorably linked. As an artist my practice explores the nature of light and colour, setting out to create new kinds of atmospheric installations that play with the edges of human perception.
Through my process of experimentation, I've discovered that water and light can work in concert to produce brilliant, spectral colours. Our atmosphere is full of these kinds of phenomenon - the parhelia, the sundog, the rainbow. This is the point of departure for Captum Lumine.
I want to set these elements into a pavilion-like structure, capturing water and light as if they were precious jewels.
The curved walls of the installation draw the viewer in and move through the space, house the lighting elements, while keeping the visitor within optical range of this phenomenon. Intermittent, cascading water will allow the central column to ebb and flow, with this full-colour effect. A simple, discrete pump and basin exchange will have the water slowly flow over the column to produce changing and dynamic colours.